
The CHS is seeking 40 new volunteer members for panels across Tayside.The CHS is seeking 40 new volunteer members for panels across Tayside.
The CHS is seeking 40 new volunteer members for panels across Tayside.
More than 40 members of the public are being sought to train as members of local Children’s Panels across the Tayside area.

Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) has launched a recruitment campaign to find new volunteer to support children and young people in their local communities.

The organisation is looking for people over the age of 18, from a diverse range of backgrounds, that reflect the children, families and communities of Scotland that it supports.

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CHS also has a legal obligation to have at least one male panel member at every children’s hearing, so this year the organisation is focusing on raising greater awareness of the importance and impact of the role amongst men.

Elliot Jackson, Children’s Hearings Scotland national convener and chief executive, said: “The Children’s Panel is a statutory service in Scotland, and couldn’t operate without volunteer Panel Members making decisions with and for children and young people.

“We are a forward-looking, inclusive organisation. One that puts the views of the children and young people we exist to serve, at the heart of everything we do – including recruitment.

“This campaign is centred on what young people who have experience of children’s hearings, are telling us they want to see in their Panel Members. Qualities like being caring, compassionate, empathetic and a good listener. If you want to make a difference in your local community, I encourage you to take the opportunity this year to apply to join our wonderful volunteer community.”

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Panel Members are volunteers from whose role is to listen and make legal decisions with and for infants, children and young people.

Colin Thomson a Panel Member in the Tayside area said: “Members are trained to always put the best interest of the child first and foremost, so being independent volunteers allows us to objectively make decisions for the child without being influenced by other support people or relevant persons in that child’s life.

Applications for new Panel Members are being taken now and and will close at midnight on February 9.

To find out more about the role and what is involved visit the CHS website at https://chscotland.gov.uk/.